Hi everyone,
I created a new state in windchill trough Windchill Shell : enumCustomize.
I can find this new state in the advanced search.
But I can't find this in the list within the life cycle template administration.
Does somebody know what I did wrong?
Thanks in advance
Open Windchill shell and execute command: ant -f codebase\Makejar.xml
Thanks Sergey, but I already did this:
And the result is what I mentioned in my first post.
May be )
The new state must be selectable
Need to clear Tomcat cache <WT_HOME>/tomcat/instances
Rebuild resources
Hi Sergey,
Is there a difference between
ant -f codebase\MakeJar.xml custUpdate
ant -f codebase\MakeJar.xml
did you check this one?
So it is selectable.
How can I "Need to clear Tomcat cache <WT_HOME>/tomcat/instances"?
How to clear the Tomcat cache in Windchill PDMLink?
we have windchill 10.2 m030
Can you send me your "Windchill\wtCustom\wt\lifecycle\StateRB.rbInfo" file?
Change the *.ser files in the folder \Windchill\wtCustom\wt\lifecycle and execute command: ant -f codebase\Makejar.xml
In 15 years dealing with Windchill I've seen this exact thing asked 10,000 times. The how-to is all there from PTC but buried pretty deep. Would be nice to have a simple and concise cheat sheet of the top maybe 20 simple customizations like this.
When you save and then close enumcustomize, notice that is says that a process has actually occurred - and you can see the result in /Windchill/wtCustom/lifecycle/ - this file includes the states added using enumcustomize. All states still need to be made available to the databse thru the .jar rebuild process noted above. If curious, you can see the results of this in the database directly.