we are collecting large amount of items (part/drawing/asm) in promotion request and sending them through the approval process. now the issue is that in almost 50% of the cases our promotion request rejected due to small amount of issues (let say we collected 100 items for the promotion request and 97 of them are correct and 3 need to be corrected). currently we forced to reject the entire process fix the relevant issue, recollect the data and send it again for approval.
is there any option to approve only the correct ones ?on more general level, how do you deal with promotion request included many items?
doesn’t the flow of approval caught by the approvers as VERY tedious (open the promotion, select the information page of each item, open it in PV, close PV, get back to promotion and move to next one) ? why not have something like Picasa (the picture management utility from Google) import pictures dialog ? where you have a thumbnail of all item included in promotion request in the left side, pressing the thumbnail open large view of the item on the right side and then you have the ability to approve all/selected.Thanks,