Have seen this in the community already, so apologies for the duplication.
Anytime our users click a hyperlink from an Office Product (might even be more) and they don't have an authenticated session established to Windchill through SSO, the URL is getting truncated. I have been round and round with our Web/SSO teams, PTC TS and the EDC, and we are still nowhere closer to a solution.
I have seen a solution where the URL gets sent off for manipulation before going to SSO...basically encoding the # character...not sure how to do that or even if that will be acceptable in our landscape.
Windchill and SiteMinder software
Anyone else experiencing this and have any inputs/solutions?
HI. Did you ever find a solution to this issue?
Hey jkim,
It sounds like you've been in touch with PTC Tech Support already? Was a Support case created, and were you linked up with this SPR? SPR 5718623
Here's the sparse SPR article:
Here's a more encompassing article, that includes this issue. It mentions some work-around options, which may or may not satisfy your use-case.
It seems like it's an SPR still in progress.
For anyone who is hitting this issue, I would encourage them to open a Support case, and make sure they get linked up with the SPR.