Intralink gurus and/or Data management gurus
We are currently on Intralink 3.4 M062 (single site) and Wildfire 4 on X64 systems. We are looking into the future and wondering what data management solutions other people have tried and any words of caution/wisdom that anyone is willing to share.
Other pertinent info:
1. We also have two seats of Solidworks so it would be nice to find a solution that could manage both.
2. We are a consulting firm so we usually don't carry a product through production but we would like to have some level on revision control so we can track prototypes.
3. Chances are we will not be migrating all of our Intralink 3X data into the new system so we may still need access to Intralink 3X
Solutions we are considering:
Intralink 9X