
Error adding item [after 2-hr trial ends]

This is more of a curiosity than a problem. The only way I can start to get live readings from the Raspberry Pi [Sense Hat] is after a clean install of KEPServerEX.

When the two-hour trial ends, obviously the service stops running, data stops flowing, etc. However, when starting it up again for another two hours, I get an error from [Source:] ThingWorx Native Interface saying [Event:] Error adding item. | Item name: 'Channel1--Device1--Gyroscope_Yaw'. along with all the other items: Humidity, Temperature, etc. Also, the area that normally shows live readings in the OPC Quick Client, under Channel1.Device1 is just empty.

I am relatively new to KEPServerEX, so I tried all the following to "reset" my 2-hr trial:

- Runtime --> Reinitialize

- Closing the App via Task Manager

- Restarting the computer

- Restarting the RaspberryPi

- Disconnecting/Reconnecting the RaspberryPi from power and internet

- and Uninstalling/Reinstalling KEPServerEX

The only one that works is Uninstalling/Reinstalling KEPServerEX. Which is not that big of a deal; once it starts up all that needs to be done is fill in Device1's IP Address and the ThingWorx info under the project's Property Editor. I hope to not run into an issue like this when I get access to the paid version of KEPServerEX, but I was just curious as to why this happens? Is there an alternative to Uninstalling/Reinstalling KEPServerEX?