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2D Objects on Parts


2D Objects on Parts

I have a need to bring in a 2D object and place it on the surface of a 3D part. The 2D object would be the artwork for a printed circuit board which has the component outlines and designators. Typically, this can be exported as DXF. The model would be of the printed circuit board. Under "Sketch" the only formats allowed are "DWG", "DRW", or "IGS". I converted the "DXF" to a "DRW" by bringing it into a Pro/E drawing, but there are so many little segments, it took forever to try and align the graphic, which I gave up on. What works best here? Has anyone already solved this problem? Thank you.
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Hi David, If the input is DXF or IGES, create a coordinate system within the part and import the DXF or IGES data alligned to this coordinate system. The location of the coordinate system can be modified to get the location of the imported data in the right place. Don't even try bringing it into a sketch as it'll usually be a nightmare of dimension and alignment assumptions and way too many entities. Just leave it as an imported feature. Steve
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