It looks like 3-D PDF can show all the parameters for each item in a model tree. You basically open a pro/e part and it reads a simple model tree. When you click on an item it shows all of its parameters as they are on Pro/e.
Is there a way to export only some parameters? Is there a way to export only some parameters? Not only hide them, but permanently make them not show up? We would like to show only say; description, and ISE internal part number along with, other items. We do not want to have the author's name, date it was started on PDMLink, and such unnecessary pieces of info that a costumer would not want.
Any idears?
Alfonso Medina O. Mechanical Engineer
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Also along with that, is there a way to unlock parameters? I'm thinking I can go ahead and just delete parameters I don't want on a temp workspace through a scripted map key. I'm referring to all those parameters that say "locked" by "winchill" on the parameter info chart.