Hello Team,
I am an Electrical engineer and using "Creo 2.0 parametric" and besides this I also have "Creo 2.0 MCad edition" with me.
I need to prepare a training material for field service engineers to giving them information about how to open assemblies and what parts they need to replace.
For this work I need to first generate a exploded view of my desire assemblies and thereafter I need to give markup those parts just like a proper exploded illustration.
but some how I am getting difficult to perform this, will you please suggest me something over this. I am only aware to create new parts, assembly and top number model with cero.
Can we call parts and assembly in drafting mode once we done exploding in desire form ?? using view manager.
Can I be get only black-white line (3D) form Creo 2.0 Parametric or Creo 2.0 Mcad.
Any body can forward solution on my ID to .... -
Please suggest in details.