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Adjusting the zoom fit (resize)


Adjusting the zoom fit (resize)

So my company is trying to automate an export of a tumbnail for manufacturing documentation purposes. The bitmap option is not that easy to control so that are going to save out screen shot things using some programming (it's IT getting it set up so I don't know what method he is using). But here is my question.

Somewhere in the automation the zoom fit or resize is being used. If he takes that image there is a lot of blank space around the part (see attachment). Since these are going to be used as small thumbnail on manufacturing paperwork this makes part drawing very small. Is there a way to adjust the border on a resize so that it zooms in farther on a part? I understand that it doesn't matter in normal operation because you just start zooming in right after the refit. But for this application it would make sense to have the edges of the part almost touching the edges of the screen.



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