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Auto Generate BOMs in Drawings


Auto Generate BOMs in Drawings

Greetings Everyone, Can someone please help clarify formats? My understanding is that it is basically the skeleton to the drawing (the tables and referenced parameters that a drawing uses.) Or are they seperate entities for different things? I am looking to create my own drawing template and I want what you may call a "start-drawing" to generate for new drawings that will "Auto-generate" the BOM. Can someone also help with explaining the best and most flexible way to create tables for the drawing format? Excel is not working well for me and drawing them out is horrendous. Are there any good references online, because I have not found them. Please send infomation to me if you have any. Thanks
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You create a table with repeat region in your format. It will be populated when you add the assembly to your drawing. You will find it in the help files for drawings.

Thanks Reinhard but unfortunately I'm looking for some more information. Does anyone have more tips or online tutorials? Thanks,J
5-Regular Member

Josh, you could try the PTC University. There may be a course on 2D drawings that covers repeat regions. There is too much to cover in a forum like this. The Help Center does have some good pages on creating repeat regions,.... the only problem is that you have to dig through a lot of pages to piece together the info you're looking for. What I did was to wade through all the pages that were related to repeat regions, and print off any that looked relevent to me. I then made a little book that I used as sort of a homemade tutorial. Good luck!
Chris Benner
Autodesk ® Expert Elite
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