I have an assembly analysis that will run just fine IF I create the mesh thru REFINE MODEL/AUTO GEM/CREATE, but will fail if I do not and simply run the analysis with default settings. I get a fatal error in the autogem section right at the start. When I do the mesh creation myself, I do get pop-up questions: "AutoGEM has detected problems adding elements to the model. Do you want these problems fixed?" and "Do you want AutoGEM to approximate all invalid elements? which I answer yes to both. Then I can save the mesh and letthe analysis use it. The problem areas are in a componentthat isnot critical and"inherited". I haven't spent the time to fix these areas. I am wondering WHY Creo would have the capability to"fix" AutoGEM mesh issues but not use them during a normal analysis run? Though, I guess I understandnot wanting to "magically" fix stuff without telling the user. BUT,am I missing something? IS there a way to tell theanalysis to do so?Just curious... sooner or later, I will end up fixing the problems areas...