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CREO 6 Flexible parts

5-Regular Member

CREO 6 Flexible parts

Is there a work around for fixing the bom index of flexed components within CREO 6? I am unable to fix the index of anything flexed within a large assembly.

22-Sapphire II

I ran into that problem back in 2015 or even earlier.  It appears that PTC STILL hasn't fixed this HUGE issue.  What I've found will usually work is to fix the entire REGION, then go back and fix the individual indicies.  Try that.

5-Regular Member

Cheers AB9239964, will give that a go but I did try unfixing the whole region and then re-fixing the whole region and anything flexed remained un-fixed, I also tried it on CREO 7 and that seems to be the same.  

22-Sapphire II

Hmmm, well, maybe that problem has reared it's ugly head again then (but hey, we have "Bold New Graphics!" now!).  I know that was the cure when I tried it in and prior to Creo 3.


Sure wish PTC would fix it's BUGS (instead of focusing on fancy new meaningless/indecipherable icons), like the fact that anything cylindrical STILL gets split into 2 surfaces.  This causes MAJOR problem with Boundary Blands when trying to assign Tangency/Curvature constraints and has reared it's ugly head yet again for me recently.  TOTAL PITA.  WAY past time to fix that BUG, but I digress...


Best of luck and let us know what you find!

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