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Being new to CREO and this community I have searched for solutions to issues we are having. I have found it confusing trying to find solutions with so many posts for the same issue. I have submitted 2 other posts that describe all of the issues we are having. It wass suggested that I break these long posts into smaller ones.
My original posts are here:
I am not even sure if this is the location for CREO enhancemments or iif the PTC folks even read these.
I apologize in advance for any duplication.
Pleae add to this if I have imissed anything.
The BOM Repeat Region Table is associated to a specific representation of the Assembly. This means that BOM Balloons can only be created in views that use the same representation as the BOM Repeat Region table. This includes the REF Balloons. Since CREO allows the designer to create as many REF Balloons for a part as need, this requirement for the REF Balloons needs to be removed. REF Balloons should be able to be created in views that use a different representation than the BOM Repeat Region table. This would make the Drawing creation process much easier and faster. The main reason our company uses different Simplified Reps of an assembly is to improve the response when opening a Drawing or changing Drawing sheets. As it is now we cannot create a REF Balloon in a view that has a different Representation from the BOM Repeat Region table. This has increased the time it takes to create a drawing.
Allow the creation of REF Balloons on views that have a different representation than the BOM Repeat Region table.
Currently REF Balloons cannot be merged like Standard BOM Balloons. This needs to be fixed. If we have a view that shows many REF Balloons, each REF Balloon has a Leader. Showing these leaders can clutter up a drawing view and make it difficult to position REF Balloons in order to make the view presentable and easy to read. Please change the REF Balloons so that they can be merged similar to the Standard BOM balloons. Also please change the options for a REF Balloon so that the leader can be deleted. We use REF Balloons in tables on the face of the drawing.
Allow REF Balloons to be merged like the Standard BOM Balloons. Also allow the leader for a REF Balloon to be removed.
The BOM Repeat Region table is created using Report parameters (rpt.qty, rpt.index, etc.). Currently these Report parameters are not available for use. We would like to be able to use these Report Parameters in a note. This way we can say in a note “INSTALL ITEM 15 PRE MFG INSTRUCTIONS” where item 15 is linked to the same index number in the BOM Repeat region as defined by the rpt.index parameter. There has been a suggestion that an Assembly parameter (cparam) can be created that defines the index number of the parts in an assembly. The BOM Repeat Region table would then use the cparam instead of the rpt.index. This seems to work for small assemblies. In our case we typically create assemblies that have over 100 parts in the BOM. This would be a labor intensive approach to resolve this issue.
Allow the user access to the BOM Repeat Region Report Parameters so they can add them to and link notes to these parameters.