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When viewing a product details in Windchill, from the details tab, opening the part in CreoView results in one of it's constituent parts not being visualised even though it appears in the structure tree.
If, in the Windchill product information window, the Structure tab is selected, all of the parts are visible in the visualisation tab. So it would appear that the visualisation has been generated.
In the CreoView window structure tree, the 'missing' part has a red diagonal line through its constituent parts as shown in the attachment.
I have re published the problem part, and still it will not visualise.
Can anyone please advise what is the problem here?
Hello Brian,
I know this issue from Positioning Assembly representations when a component has not been not published yet. (see Document - CS130256 on the ptc knowledge DB)
Do you use Positioning Assembly representations fro this specific case ?
Could you confirm that the 2 componets which are marked with the diagonal red line can be published and openend from their property page with creoview ? You may also consider the As stored baseline if your publisher is set up accordingly.
If you do not use Positioning Assembly representations then it might be a conversion issue. I would suggest to convert the assembly manually outside Windchill with the command line (I assume you are using the codverter from Thoerem) and verify the result