I have an assy with a few subassemblies in Pro/E. The bills and the routings on the floor have all the parts listed under the top level assembly. On the Pro/E side of things, I want to keep things organized and the top level assy to be made up of a few sub-assemblies (I do not want all the parts to be under one top level assembly). I can create phantom parts in our PLM system from where we can pull the item numbers from Pro/E drawings but I cannot have identical BOM numbers on components in the different sub-assemblies (because eventually they are under 1 big assembly in the routings)
By default, the BOM balloon numbers for a drawing start from '1'. Is it possible to change the starting BOM balloon number, and make it start from '100' or '200'? I know we can set the index numbers of item (balloons), but I am looking to start the count from 100 and then follow from there.
Ajit Singh | Sr. Engineer | Akron Brass Company | 343 Venture Blvd, Wooster OH, 44691 | Ph: (330)287-7156 | Fax: (330) 287-7134|
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