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Let's say I want to reference a parameter from a lower level part or assembly directly in a 3D note. (I'm in Creo Parametric
I can only directly achieve this if the part is a bulk item. For that scenario I would used <parameter>:FID_# where # is the feature ID of the bulk item.
However, if my lower level "component" is a part or subassembly the above method does not work. I also tried using <parameter>:SID# where SID# is the session ID. This also does not return the lower level value in the note.
According to technical support case 17184215 this is a limitation. There is a work around in that in Relations one can create a parameter <parameter_test> and declare it equal to the lower level parameter using <parameter>:SID# and then call the assembly parameter in the 3D note by using the "&" (i.e. ¶meter_test). However, this is obviously more work and can make for the need of a lot of "unnecessary" relations in the assembly. With model based definition, referring to lower level product information is becoming more common in a 3D note
So my question is this, Why can one call a parameter for a bulk item in a 3D assembly level note but not a parameter for a part or (sub)assembly? It would streamline the 3D note documentation process. Is this an enhancement request for PTC?
It's been a long-standing limitation. I don't know what the logic is behind it.
I've just used the technique you mention (make a parameter in the assembly, use the value from the component of interest, etc). Fortunately I only need to do this for a small number of situations, so it's not too troublesome.