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Creo 1.0: Right click, edit definition in graphic window does not work


Creo 1.0: Right click, edit definition in graphic window does not work


Right click and edit definition for a feature in graphic window does not work in assembly mode. I have to use the model tree.

I works in part mode, but not in assembly mode.

I have tried to remove and re-install creo.

Anyone else with this problem? Solution?

I'm on Creo 1.0 M050

Windows 7

Dell precicion T3600

Nvidia quadro 4000

16 Gb Ram

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Are you sure you are selecting the correct feature and not just the geometry? Set your selection filter to features then select your feature, right mouse button, etc.

Otherwise set the selection filter to smart, left click on a part to "enable" that part then right mouse button click to query select the feature you want (and not the geometry), then right mouse button hold to edit definition. I don't have Creo 1.0 to try it but it works for me (Creo 2.0).

Yes, I'm sure. I've been using Pro E / Creo for 15 years...

I have solved the problem:

I had a software to improve my taskbar functionality installed (Actual Multiple Monitors) that was causing the issue. I removed it, and everything was ok.

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