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In Creo is it possible to have the Dimensional Attributes in the Parameter Table tab without needing a relationship
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Translated by the Community Moderation using Google Translate on June 30th, 2023
Dans Creo est 'il possible d’avoir les Attributs dimensionnels dans l’onglet Table des paramètres sans avoir besoin de relation
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Parameter tables are available in Notebook files. While in the Notebook file you can query which parameters are available for use in the Notebook by using the following sequence:
Click Tools -> Parameters. The Parameters dialog box opens. All parameters in the notebook are listed. If the parameter of interest is not seen, then it is not available for use in the table.
Parameters governed by a relation can be used in the Parameter Table.
Notebooks are intended to be a top-level data set in the Creo environment for use in a top-down design paradigm. If you are expecting to have access to dimensions of models driven by the Notebook in the Notebook, I do not think that is supported as it would set up circular references.