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No idea why CREO would create these COPY entries. Sometimes there are three of them for the same feature, and not necessarily in order of COPY 1 to 3.
I would probably not even notice these until one of my chamfers refused to work properly on a very simple part (at the end of a cylinder).
It would create the chamfer, it would show its profile in sketching, but in the end would not remove the material at all, just put some exterior rings for where the chamfer should have been.
And no error was raised. Took me some time to figure out that the chamfer was applied to one of the COPY entries, even though I was clicking on the EXTRUDE feature itself.
I had no idea what to do, so I deleted all the COPY entries and nothing was lost, it seemed that the part was really not affected by this -- and then the chamfer started working properly.
Any ideas what these entries are and why are they created?
Thank you!
Not enough data here to investigate the root cause. Post your part model here for review along with what version of Creo you are using. If you are not able to post the model, then query feature info for the copy feature and its parents and post the info window results from that.
The tree icon represents (Copy 1) : Curve Copy feature, or a Copied Surface. No way to know which from this pic of the tree.
It is unlikely that Creo created a copy without user interaction. When you applied the chamfer did you verify the reference selection was the solid edge of the cylinder you most likely selected the edge of the copy.
PS the label for this should probably be 3D part modeling and not 2-D drawing.
It has nothing to do with the model or part itself, it happened to me with all kind of parts.
I watched out for this thing after becoming aware of its existence, and, to me at least, it happens with a wiggly mouse click, or a slippery click on the things in the Tree Model.
And I do not think it is the mouse, it is probably me, like a hesitant mouse double click, where you kinda change your mind in the middle of it but still click a second time, and the double click comes out weird, or you click negligently where you start on the right object, but the mouse pointer slips under the object you intended to stay on the whole time and the second click of the mouse kinda comes out under the place where you clicked the first time -- that is when these things pop up for me.
And it might be that these damaged double-cliks come out as a click-and-hold-and-drag-and-drop-underneath, and that is what creates these copy objects, not sure, I should try it with a test part actually...
Deleting them does not damage anything, and being really careful with the clicks does it for me, where they never appear when my double left-clicks are spot on the target and are not mired by shakes of the hand or hesitations of any kind.
I will try to create one on purpose and report back here.