I have an existing drawing that I'm making a change to, completely unrelated to the cross section, which was created using one of the default datum planes. As I go to the drawing, the section view no longer looks like a section view and no cross hatching is displayed, but when I go to view properties, it still shows the cross section as a valid option. From this view, there are two side projection views, both will display the cross section arrows bisecting my assembly. If I create another projection view off either of the previous projection views, I can create good looking section view from the new view, but this view is mirrored to how it should be and isn't a valid option because of our standardization of layout. So, now I know my view is okay, relatively. Next, in the model I try redefining the cross section, which the view manager tells me is an invalid option because "redefine" is greyed out, all I can choose is Dim Values and Hatching. So, in the view manager, I set the cross section to active, then I click the display button and then choose flip. Looks good, so I clik ok and Done/Return. Now I regenerate, then I verify the family table and finally save, total process of about an hour and a half. So, when I go back to the drawing and regenerate and/or update all views, nothing changes. When I close down my session and start it back up, the cross section is back to the orientation before I flipped it and then saved. Okay, sorry for the long description, but does anybody have any idea why the cross section has flipped on me, the first time before I opened the drawing and after I manually fliped it and saved, but it flipped back? Also, why I can't redefine it so that it is consistant with the rest of the assembly drawings from the family table? Any intelligent suggestion(s) would be greatly appreciated.
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