Hi All,
Currently we are adding manual balloons for dimension id numbers for initial drawing release and it is taking too much time when the drawing contains numerus dimensions. Is there any way to automate the process. Please suggest me if you have any idea.
It sounds like you are creating balloons on the drawing next to the dimensions for the inspection report?
If that is correct then I think the only way to automate that is to switch to model based definition and then let a computer read the Step 242 / QIF and generate the balloons for you. This is obviously a huge step though.
Hi Chris,
Yes, That's correct. We are creating balloons next to the dimensions for inspection report.
We are not using MBD process, Thanks for your response.
There is no "out of the box" solution.
I think i saw an aftermarket application that someone did to make this happen.
A search on the community turned up this: