Esteemed Colleagues,
Anyone working to implement Model Based Definition (MBD) has undoubtedly noticed that it’s quite handy showing driving dimensions with Creo 2. There is also a set of switches in annotation features that lets you designate items in the annotation feature as Control Characteristics (see below). By designating these items as Control Characteristics, Windchill knows what they are.
Sadly, driving dimension annotation elements (DDAE) cannot be associated with an annotation feature. That means they cannot be designated as control characteristics.
I filed a case with PTC Technical Support (TS) and finally learned that this is intended functionality and that the tool is ‘working per spec.’ The reason I got from TS was that DDAE are associated with the features that they define and that they cannot also be associated with annotation features.
Unless and until there is an outcry of folks who want to do MBD and also want to be able to identify DDAE in Windchill as Control Characteristics, this will continue to ‘work per spec.’ MBD data flow throughout the enterprise will continue to be hampered by short-sighted CAD tool designers.
I would like to enlist the collective assistance of those of you who are trying to implement MBD in making this an issue with PTC.
W.C. (Bill) Bowling
Fellow - Engineering Design Process Development
Aerojet Rocketdyne
Mechanical Design (MS: FB24)
VOICE: 818-586-0310
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