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Enhancement Requests for Creo - Summer 2013 TC Meetings


Enhancement Requests for Creo - Summer 2013 TC Meetings

Hi Everyone...



Starting directly after the PTC Live Global conference in June (9th-12th), PTC/User is holding it's bi-annual "face to face" Technical Committee ("TC") meetings. These meetings are held twice a year- once in January at PTC Headquarters and again at the PTC Live Global (in Anaheim this year).


For those of you are not familiar with what these committees do, here's a description:


Volunteers from PTC customers and other interested individuals comprise the membership of these Technical Committees. Working closely with PTC, the Technical Committees provide product feedback, enhancement requests, and other information that helps to influence future software development. At the face-to-face meetings,Technical Committee members have direct access to PTC software developers and Product Line Managers. These are the people responsible for enhancements, upgrades, and future functionality for all PTC products including Creo/ProE, Windchill, and Creo View.


There are well over a dozen different TC's of which I'm a member of about 7 of them. Obviously my main goal in joinging was to share NASA's feedback, comments, and concerns with the software developers and other committee members. In January, I sent out an open solicitation to all users on PTC Community to submit their feedback, insights, comments, concerns, and enhancement requests. I gathered those contributions and took them to the meetings with me. Many of them made it in front of the developers and were well-received.


The goal is to make positive contributions and hopefully influence future enhancements to the software. This isn't intended to be another "gripe" thread. Let's please focus on bringing something positive to the discussion. These are professional meetings held at the pleasure of PTC and it's employees and we're invited guests. Please remember that ultimately I'm representing my employer and I need to maintain a professional demeanor. I can't just go into a TC meeting and start tearing into the PTC people for every complaint and issue you have with Creo. However, I can go in there with a reasonable request supported by sound logic and a true business need and make a case for a software enhancement.


The first time I attended one of these meetings, many people just sat there quietly. The second time, we had some really productive conversations and I feel we made some real progress. The goal is to continue this trend. We have the PTC Product Line Managers standing there asking for feedback and we want them to hear our concerns and note them for future consideration. This is a rare opporunity to speak directly to the programmers, managers, and those in charge at PTC.


If there's an enhancement you really need... or a problem you're having... or some piece of feedback you really want to make it up the chain of command, now is the time to say something!


Add to this thread and send in your feedback and requests. I'll do my best to get it in front of the developers. I'll catalog the requests and post a synopsis and a final report after the meetings similar to what I did the last time. Remember to keep it positive if possible... but let's hear what you have to say!





PS: I am currently a member of the following Technical Committees so I can address topics in any of these areas:

  • Routed Systems - Cabling/Piping & Schematics
  • Core Modeling
  • Model Based Definition (ASME Y.14.41 Standards)
  • System Administration
  • Detailing
  • Creo View / Visualization
  • Windchill


PPS: If you're interested in joining a TC, go to the PTC/User Website, create a login, and sign up!

This thread is inactive and closed by the PTC Community Management Team. If you would like to provide a reply and re-open this thread, please notify the moderator and reference the thread. You may also use "Start a topic" button to ask a new question. Please be sure to include what version of the PTC product you are using so another community member knowledgeable about your version may be able to assist.
107 REPLIES 107


We are working in Creo 2.0 and one correction or enhancement I would like to have addressed is the geometry updating on the drawings.

Often times when a change as been made to the model the geometry does not update on the drawing unless you manually select Review>Update Sheets. In all prior versions the new geometry would automatically update. The dimensions update but the geometry does not. I have tried the config option: auto_regen_views=yes which does not seem to work.

This may be more of a glitch than an enhancement, but, it is very annoying and could lead to production errors.




Hello Tim,

see save_display eight postings up



Hi Tim...

I've already added this as a part of Reinhard's message (the one he referenced about "Save_Display" above.

Thank you!


Hi Brian,

Grant of you to do this!

What I'd like to improve is orientation; could we get hotkeys for standard views (FRONT, RIGHT)? And I'd also like to retrieve the functionality that automatically puts you're model in sketch view when entering a sketch.

discussed already; The thing I want to select is not always available in the query select menu and when it is it is often at the bottom of the list. (but I can imagine this commend is to general to process)

I agree that hotkeys might be a nice idea (customisable, though) - but in the meantime, you could record a mapkey to select a particular view and assign it to a key or key sequence - maybe "v1", "v2" etc, or use some of the "F" keys.

Hi Agnes...

I know this is a very, very stale thread but I wanted to note that there is a option to automatically place the model into "sketch view" when entering a sketch. That option is:

sketcher_starts_in_2d yes

I hope that helps (unless you've already found it in which case... I'm sorry for the long delay!)



Hi Brian,

When is this PTC TC summer meeting?

Hi Agnes...

It was during the PTC Live 2013 Conference... which was this past June in Anaheim, CA. I owe the group a comprehensive list of what was covered.




I did not see any post from you stating a list of accepted issues to be solved by PTC. I would expect to see at lease a note about it in this post. Let me know.

Thank you.

Hi Danilo...

I haven't posted the list yet. At the rate I'm going, it'll be time for the next conference before I get it up here.I'm still drowning in deadlines and other work and I can't get back to this. At this point, I'm literally just trying not to collapse from a heart attack. But I can't actually die... my project managers would kill me if I died. In fact, I'm pretty sure death wouldn't be an acceptable excuse for missing my deadlines.

I do have a large spreadsheet of issues and responses from PTC. It's just a big mess though... there are notes jotted all over the place and the only one who could make sense of it is me. I'll try to get back to this next weekend. By then my deadlines will have passed and I might have 5 minutes to breathe!

Thanks for your patience...


23-Emerald III


I can understand you boss' point. Death is unacceptable. After all, there are wireless connections.

And no Rohming charges!

Ugh, Brian.

You really need a couple of apprentices that you can put some of your workload on, and rather think of their death than your own.

I've got lots of parts that have instances in them, such as a flat state in a sheetmetal part. I then use both instances in a drawing for the part. When I Save a Copy of the Part, it correctly creates the new part and related drawing, but is doesn't rename the instances. I would like it to prompt to rename the instances in the save a copy window. This is espscially important in Windchill, as it has 2 possible outcomes:

A) Windchill doesn't let you complete the Save a Copy because it would create 2 different parts (instances) with the same name (one in each generic part).

B) Windchill lets you complete the Save a Copy, but removes the instances from the new part. In the drawing, the views that were refering to the Generic of the old part now refer to the Generic of the new part. The views that refered to the instance of the old part still refer to that instance.

Outside of Windchill there were quirks as well, but I haven't done that in a while, so I don't remember what excatly happened, but the drawing wouldn't open at all because it had a view refering to an instance that didn't exist anywhere.

Hello Everyone...

The link to the completed document (spreadsheet) tracking all enhancement requests is UP! This has all of the requests I've gathered from January of 2013 (last year) through January 2014.

There's quite a bit going on in this chart... the color codes help explain what happened with each submission. The dots in the first column appear next to any item that has been updated for January 2014. As promised, I went back to the old lists. If I'd missed something from Jan '13 or June '13, I tried again in Jan '14.

Over 80 enhancements from your submissions did get in front of the PTC developers. Many of them were well received. Some of them were either already planned, already implemented, or so popular that I imagine we'll be seeing them very, very soon.

Everyone who submitted a request should check the chart for their name and add comments to the DOCUMENT thread so I can add keep track of everything. I'm only linking the document here for convenience. Please submit your comments and feedback to the document thread so I don't have to hunt through the longer discussion threads to see your responses.



PS: I'm adding this same note to all 3 enhancement threads so please forgive the duplications!


Can we add request to make possible to choose table color under System Colors-Graphics menu. Currently, color for tables is defined by LETTER option which is the same as dimensions' lines. Same request goes for hatching.

Thank you.

If possible - can this thread get closed? There's already a January 2014 TC enhancement request that is also out-of date.

Agreed David, thanks for the suggestion. I've locked this discussion since it appears to be out of date. Any new enhancement requests should be submitted using our PTC Creo Product Ideas area.

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