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I have to export a batch of Creo multisheet drawings to multisheet DXF files. The problem is Creo elements/pro 5.0 export just one sheet at a time, even when I select "All sheets as paper space" in DXF Publishing settings or "Selected sheets".
We use Creo elements/Pro 5.0, M080. Each drawing sheet has it's own format. I tried several DXF versions, from 12 to 2007 with same result.
For a 3-5 sheets drawing is a bit annoying to save each sheet as one DXF then trying to merge them, but for a 40-50 sheets drawing this is crazy.
A secondary question is : what is the best way to merge more DXF files into one, either with ProE tools, either with AutoCAD ones?
Please help.
Thx, Silviu
Well, I was able to solve this by saving the drawing as DXF 2000 and choosing first sheet as Model Space and the rest of them as Paper Space.
Creo 5.0 /M80 : Regular export to DXF works fine ( Ensure the publishing setting are set to "All sheets as paper space").Multi - sheet drawings are exported to correct format except for few graphics if any at the title block like logo or something. But other than that everything should be fine.
Long time back we used ACAD for merging multiple files into one. check this out..