I am trying to extrude a .1250 radius circle and it keeps turning into a hexagon. How can I fix this ?
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My best guess is that edge display quality is set to low, affecting how accurately the model is displayed (it is still round).
Go to File > Options, select Enitiy Display and change Edge display quality to a higher level. This may affect the performance of the program, requiring more computing power to render the model.
Not enough information provided. Post models or explain in detail what you are having an issue with.
My best guess is that edge display quality is set to low, affecting how accurately the model is displayed (it is still round).
Go to File > Options, select Enitiy Display and change Edge display quality to a higher level. This may affect the performance of the program, requiring more computing power to render the model.
That worked, thank you so much!
Creo 7.09 with edge quality set to low (the lowest setting). A circle is not rendered as a hexagon. I find it hard to believe that Creo would render a circle as a hexagon under any setting for edge quality. If someone can reproduce this "problem" please post the data for review.
7.0.10 Small diameter / low display quality / low accuracy.
Indeed, I can get a 4-sided representation of a circle (in a model with absolute accuracy set). Fortunately, I have never had to work on hardware that would require the low edge quality setting, but this is nonetheless surprising. The only place I had seen this happen previously was with VRML files used in Pro/E.
I can get the 4-sided render by making a high aspect ratio cylinder.
Props for guessing a solution based on that initial post!