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Hi all,
I am looking for community's input how to deal with the G98 (return to initial plane) and G99 (return to R plane) mode for fixed drilling cycles.
The only way I know how to handle G98/G99 is via postprocessor logic.
The question is what values of NC parameters are you using to indicate G98 or G99 output to postprocessor?
Here is a simplistic CL snippet:
case 1:
SPINDL / RPM, 2000.000000, CLW
GOTO / 5.0000000000, 4.4304000000, 4.0000000000
CYCLE / DRILL, DEPTH, 1.000000, IPM, 10.000000, CLEAR, 2.000000, RAPTO,$
GOTO / 5.0000000000, 4.4304000000, 0.0000000000
case 2:
GOTO / 5.0000000000, 4.4304000000, 4.0000000000
CYCLE / DRILL, DEPTH, 1.000000, IPM, 10.000000, CLEAR, 2.000000, RAPTO,$
0.500000, RETURN, 1.000000
GOTO / 5.0000000000, 4.4304000000, 0.0000000000
Our postprocessor logic is:
-if there was (RETURN, number) minor word then it's R value definition and G99 is active (case #2) and CLEAR minor word value is ignored.
-if there was (CLEAR, number) minor word only, then it's R value definition and G98 is active (case #1).
The problem with this approach that it is arbitrary and somebody else could have a totally different way to handle CL data...
Thanks in advance.
A combination of Option File setting, I know they seem backwards but this works for us.
And set the PULLOUT_DIST to 0 to retract to initial plane (G98).
In this particular case the drill is moving to Z1.0 (clearance plane) when moving hole to hole, and beginning it's cycle 0.1 above the hole start plane (hole depth in this particular instance happens to be 1.0).
Hope that helps