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Hello all i do have some Problems questions in understanding Sensitivity Analyses and Cordinate Systems
What i have is the Default CYS and an Offset CYS that i create i control its Origin with Paramets as follows
the relations i use look like this :
when i now start and run an sensitivity Analyses for Parameter Z with a minimum Range of -220 and maximum of -180 it runs though.
but when i recheck my Parameter for Z it has changed from-200 to +200 and the Coordinate has flipped its Position.
is it possible to avoid flipping Parameters or Dimensions i don't want the minus to disappear?
can someone relate and help out?
Kind Regards
Someone here will probably have a better answer, but if this was me and this is a one off thing, I would just brute force it by adding changing the relation to be: $d5= abs(Z)*-1
That should force it to be negative.