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Recently teh management asked for every proejct to be run a global interference checking.
This report sometimes give up to 700 interferences.
Verification of these 700 is not kind of big deal. Can ve done in 10 minutes but this big number scaried most of the people.
Most of the interferences are from screws with the thread.
Now the management want to change the screw shape on the way not have interference with the thread(in the thread ared inteasd to continue to be cylinrical will have a smaller diameter)
do you think that this is a good ideea. somebody is usig this approach?
it's kind of cheatig for something that is real.
Hi Claudiu...
Personally I think it's a bad idea and it displays a fundamental misunderstanding of the CAD tools to even suggest such it. But what do we know about your management and your PDM team? We know they've already demanded you break apart all family tables because they're afraid of them. They've already displayed a tremendous lack of understanding and continue to do so.
You're likely going to be stuck but here are a few ideas:
I would not advocate taking an accurate parts library and making it INACCURATE to work around a feature that's working properly! There is a small interference between screws, bolts, and the threads they're engaged with. This is also a small, small number. You can sort the interferences by value. You'll probably notice all M6 hardware interferes the same exact amount in it's threads... this can be filtered out!
I'd continue to let Pro/E do it's job correctly and convince management to spend the few minutes investigating the results of the interference check... and having a thinking, intelligent human do the work to determine which interferences are important and which are irrelevant.
Ultimately your software is only as good as your people... and this is a time where you shouldn't cheat the system. Instead, your company should rely on it's people to do the job of interpreting the results.
Thanks and good luck!!
Hi Brian,
The biggers problems are between screws and the component that contain the tap geometry. Now if I exclude the screws I cannot catch the error.
Also the same screws sometimes are comming with a bigger ar smaller interference (lets say if there is a washer, or a small step the amount of interference volume will be a little bit changed)
I tried at the begining to complicate the stuff and create a data base where I strored the interference volume for each type of screws.
I created an application that calculate the interferences and compare the volume with the value from the database, but this value not being the same all the time the application didn't wprl properly. More than this this datatbase need to be updated with all posible and imposible combination at the end to have the right result.
Actually my manager want if it's possible to press a button and what is a really a problem to be highlited and not the other interferences that are normal interferences and don't cause any problem.
Pro/E give us a tool that generate a report with and the component that interfere, the amount of intereference and also highlited these components in case that visually I want to see the issue.
I believe it's a waste of time to create complicated application that decide if an interference can be a real problme without deigner interaction with the models and report
We addressed this issue by changing the model of the screws. The threaded area of the screw is modeled at tap drill diameter. A revolved surface is used to represent the major thread diameter. Here is how our models work: