Hi Brian,
Please find attached some MFG files (WF3.0 M250) to help you to deploy
your 4 axis PP.
I have made some changes in that original post from the link to make it
a 4 axis one. It works! J
Eventually you may have to change the direction of the rotary. You can
change it on the dialogs shown below:
In the OFG (Option File Generator), I think that changing "Default dir.
CLW" is enough. The other settings usually don't need to be modified.
Please check GPOST context help to understand what they do. If your Haas
is set to use shortest moves, then you may have to change the PP as
well. This can be easily done through the OFG.
Make sure that your workcell settings are like shown below. If you
change the direction in GPOST, change it accordingly in the Workcell as
Last but not least, I attached a video showing you the verified G-Code
using our NC Editor (Really good for Haas machines) and a MFG Template
with the original toolpath and the references for the Workcell settings.
I created this template quickly to exemplify how you should set your
workcell and coordinates systems/axes in a Hass VMC with a 4th rotary
around X. It does not have much features, but it's a starting point.
From: Santos, Daniel (GE Oil & Gas)