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Help the Handicapped....


Help the Handicapped....

Hola -

I'm looking for some direction regarding Harness. We've been using Pro/E for about a dozen years and all the equipment we manufacture is in Pro/E (we're an OEM). One aspect that we have not integrated is the wiring/harness/wiring diagrams. Traditionally, that has been done in 2D format in Autocad. As our products have become more complex, this is no longer tenable - we need accurate BOMs. I'm interested in doing harnesses and control panels currently, no printed circuit boards or things of that nature.

So basically, I'm starting with a clean sheet of paper. I've heard mention of Mentor Graphics (VeSys), CADENCE, etc.

Whatapproach would you recommend?



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Hello Peter.

We are running Creo 2.0/Windchill 10.1. We use Creo Schematics 2 (was RSD) to develop the schematic and logical references then output the xml file for importing into Creo Parametric. The Cable/Harness is developed in the 3D model then a drawing that includes tables for the wires/connectors/etc is created for the Flat Harness. This 2D drawing from Creo Parametric of the Flat Harness is what goes out to the Harness manufacturer.

KR, Jim

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