How can I Illlustrate make the SBOM NAME = PART_NUMBER?
When working with Creo and Windchill Illustrate the following problem exists:
- If a component has a WTPart the SBOM_NAME = EBOM_NAME = part_displayIdentify
- If the component has not only EPMDocument WTPart SBOM_NAME = EBOM_NAME = epmdoc_displayIdentify
The names are different because the part_name also appears in the part_displayIdentity.
- WTPart piece:
- SBOM = EBOM = 123321, Example, A.2 (Design)
- Piece without WTPart
- SBOM = EBOM = 123321, A.2 (Design)
I need SBOM = 123321
Anyone have any idea.
Thank You.
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