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How do you change a Merge Inheritance part insertion?


How do you change a Merge Inheritance part insertion?

I have a part very similar to another part.

The original part was brought into a componentized model that includes greater geometry detail.

What I would like to do is use the componentized model with a different inserted part that of course has a different name.

From what I see this isn't possible.  If I Edit Definition of the Merge I can try using a * character to make the part I want accessible but even when selecting this part it doesn't allow you to bring in the different part.

Any ideas in how to get this to work?

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Please add some images to have a clear understanding on your problem


Praveen: As Rohit suggests, most likely this isn't possible to do.

I will show how I tried approaching this.

In the original model I inserted a couple model components using Merge/Inheritance.


The new model was very similar to the old so I needed to borrow the framework and replace out the individual part components.  Below you can see 1 of my 2 "FIN" components was inserted.


I needed to replace out the old components with new so I attempted this with Edit Definition.  I choose No because I need a different component.


When I choose no I have a screen that shows the component I need replaced.


Right here I have the option to browse for a model but I can't truly replace this model out.

I have done what Rohit has suggested and replace out the model, but it does fail out the rest of the history, and I think it ends up creating a failure if I try replacing this out in the next level in which I place the modifications in a die.

Ultimately I would like to do what I see should be very possible since there is no variation where the inserted parts sit in place.  I would like to replace out the 2 "FIN" components and next bring this into Pro Mold where I could walk these changes through the die.

The work around that I am doing now adds several hours to my process.  Even though I have not changed the name of the model file (shown above) in which the deleted and replaced components reside it does not come in clean in the Pro Mold application.  This causes a myriad of reference errors which I need to individually suppress and walk through 1 by one.  It is my speculation that if the replacement I tried above went through successfully everything down stream from this also would be successful.

This is an example of something that I could do in the CAD package that we are replacing.  I don't understand why the coding for this CAD product leaves you at a dead end.

Make it easier to replace out imported merge/inheritance models


Yes, only family table part can be replaced in merge/inheritance but we can do the following trick to replace the part and this works only when we are working offline

  • Create the new folder and place the following

               a. Part with merge/inheritance, example: Merge.prt.1

               b. Base part, example: old.prt.1

               c. New base part for replacement, example: new.prt.1

  • Open the part with merge/inheritance, example: Merge.prt.1
  • Open the base part, example: old.prt.1
  • Add a family table instance with exactly the same name of the part which we want to replace, example: new.prt.1
  • Verify the family table
  • Go back to merge/inheritance and click edit definition
  • Right-click on the collector and click replace. The family tree dialog box opens
  • Replace the part with newly created instance, example: new.prt.1
  • Go back to the original base part (old.prt.1) and delete the family table instance and close the part without saving
  • Now , save the part with merge/inheritance and all new versions will appear in the new folder along with old ones, example Merge.prt.1, Merge.prt.2, old.prt.1,new.prt.1,new.prt.2
  • Close all the file and erase not displayed
  • Go to new folder and delete the new version of new base part, example new.prt.2
  • Now, open the Part with merge/inheritance example: Merge.prt.2

But I am not sure about the dependent features of this part and it might fail


Praveen:  That certainly is an interesting method you are suggesting to just get around Creo's inherent shortcomings.  You must have run into this issue yourself.

I do actually use Family Tables with the example I've shown.  I will have to do some experimentation to your suggestion.

Do you know why you would have to be Offline to make this work?  I'm assuming this would mean unplugging the ethernet connection.

Even if this would work for my application (which I hope it does) there are a lot of tricky steps to get this to work.  I really do wish this could be done by simply replacing the old component using Edit Definition.

Make it easier to replace out imported merge/inheritance models


you have to delete the first one and then add the new one.

other than family table part you cannot replace in merge/inheritance.

you features after the merge/inheritance will fail because of missing reference.


I've replaced a merge in a part previously. This method is only really feasible when there are few features that are children of the merge. It wasn't too bad on that particular model, but if you have something more complex this method will be painful. It's be awhile, so hopefully I don't screw these steps up.

1. Open the .PRT with the merge in it.

2. Use Insert Mode to just before the old merge.

3. Add in the new merged model.

4. Cancel Insert Mode.

5. Redefine every feature that shows up as a child to the old merged part. You have to make sure the old merge has no children before moving to the next step.

6. Delete the old merge.

Not exactly ideal, I know, but if there are only a few features it may be easier than Praveen's family table fake-out.


Don:  I believe I am presently doing very close to your method in that I insert the new model, delete the old insert and redefine the children of the old insert to fit with the new insert.

My down stream challenge is to bring this modified part into a die without a multitude of reference failures.

Make it easier to replace out imported merge/inheritance models


Ah, yes. Any of the features (cuts, etc.) referenced in the down-stream model should be good, but any features/surfaces of the merged part will probably not make it.

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