I could not find any ProDimension* function to get the units of a dimension
from the sketch.
What I find is that all the dimensions are in the units of the model which
we can get using ProMdlPrincipalunitsystemGet()
For the angle dimensions though I can see in the sketch that the dimensions
are in degrees, but ProUnitExpressionGet always returns "rad" for angles.
Here is the code snippet for the dimension visit function.
ProDimensionTypeGet(dim, &dim_type);
ifail = ProMdlPrincipalunitsystemGet(dim->owner, &principal_system);
if (dim_type == PRODIMTYPE_ANGLE)
ifail = ProUnitsystemUnitGet(&principal_system, PRO_UNITTYPE_ANGLE,
/* dimUnit is always "rad" */
ifail = ProUnitExpressionGet(&unititem, dimUnit);
Please let me know if there is another way to get the units of dimensions
in the sketch.
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