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I have a project that involves the need to find the porosity values of two different lattice structures (1 randomized, 1 patterned). I've had no luck finding these values from the software. Is there a way to obtain these values from a stochastic and uniform square lattice structure without having the need to calculate the porosity?
Creo does not have an analysis feature for porosity. You would need to measure the volume of the lattice and the volume of the lattice solids as features and create relations to calculate the porosity. The porosity could then be read from the parameters.
Create a unit cell model (cube) that is solid.
Shell the unit cell model such that is hollow. Volume 1 (this is the solid shell containing the lattice); use an analysis feature to measure
Create a closed quilt by copying the interior walls of the shelled cube. This is the volume of space to be be filled with the lattice. Use an analysis feature to measure the interior cube volume (quilt). Volume 2 is the void filled by the lattice
Add the lattice feature to the void within the unit cell and again measure the volume of the model using an analysis feature. Volume 3; use an analysis feature to measure
You will now have three analysis features with volume parameter measures that can be used in relations to calculate the porosity etc. of a particular lattice geometry.