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Criação de dados ISOGEN PCF
A interface Isometric Drawing Generation (ISAOGEN) exporta dados geométricos e de materiais de projetos de geometria para criar dados ISOGEN PCF.
Esses dados podem ser usados como entrada para aplicativos ISOGEN para criação automática de isométricos, spools e sistemas. Veja a imagem de exemplo:
Minha pergunta é:
Preciso de outro aplicativo para abrir o PCF e enviar para o Creo DRW?
Como abrir esses arquivos no Creo?
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ISOGEN PCF data creation
The Isometric Drawing Generation (ISAOGEN) interface exports geometric and material data from geometry designs to create ISOGEN PCF data.
This data can be used as input to ISOGEN applications for automatic creation of isometrics, spools and systems. See the example image:
My question is:
Do I need another application to open the PCF and send it to Creo DRW?
How to open these files in Creo?
Hi Jonathan_info,
Thank you for your question.
Your post appears well documented but has not yet received any response. I am replying to raise awareness. Hopefully, another community member will be able to help.
Also, feel free to add any additional information you think might be relevant.