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We are using WF4, is there any option in Pro/E to Import .csv or Excel file in Drawing as BOM Table and make it as repeat region.
Further we wanted to create Balloons out of the index.
Thanks in Advance
Parametric balloons can only be driven by repeat regions. Repeat regions can not be created by csv or Excel files. You can create a Pro/Table within Pro/E and then save that and reuse it. You can also import a csv file as a table in Pro/E but there is no way to turn it into a repeat region.
With a repeat region BOM table, it will populate automatically from the assembly structure. You can then balloon the items from the BOM index.
Parametric balloons derive from parametric repeat regions with instructions on how to traverse an assembly database and extract information. If your CSV file contains the instructions in question, you can do it as follows: 1) contents of .csv are
2) Table > Table From File, specify the .csv, place it. At this point, there is a table, but no repeat region yet...
3) Repeat Region > Add. Select 'rpt.index', then 'rpt.qty'. Update Tables. Voila!
If your CSV file contains plain text, you can make a plain text table of it, and you could make some balloons that looked like BOM balloons, but none of it would have any relationship to the rest, or to your assembly structure, so you really want to make it parametric.