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What is the correct method for importing 3d CAD geometry into CREO 2.0 such as the model for 80/20 extrusions ? Our team 3951 was able to get the files from a couple of CAD sites and bring in a STP or DXF file. We brought in the 3d stp file with no issues but if we want to extrude the profile there is only one line in the tree that calls out an ID number and we can't do edit definition.
How do we use the end profile to extrude different lengths of the extrusion in CREO ? , or is there a way to pull in the 2d DXF and use that cross section ? Thank you .
For Creo Parametric, you can base other features off the imported extrusion just like any other feature.
If you want it to be longer, create the feature's sketch plane at the end of the extrusion and orient to face the way you like. The sketch entities can be had by 'use edge' (not sure what it is in Creo) and select the loop (should highlight the entire boundary). If it is hollow then you'll have two loops to pick, once for the inner boundary and another for the outer boundary.To make it smaller, the sketch just has to be suitable for chopping it off - it doesn't have to follow all the contour lines.
For CreoDirect, you can pick the end surface and drag it. Or so I'm told.
Hi Rick,
I'm guessing you mean FIRST FRC Team 3951? You might want to post further questions in the FIRST discussions group.
Hopefully David's response got you on the right track.
STP files are usually 3D. You can modify lenghts of those in Creo 2 using the "Flexible Modeling" tab.
As David mentions, you can also create a new extrusion selecting the end surface as your sketching plane and use the offset edge (loop) button with a value of 0 to extrude that x-section to the desired length.
There are several other methods when using DXF files that we can talk about if you need more help.
Hope that helps,