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Instance not regenerating correctly


Instance not regenerating correctly

I am having an issue with the instances of some sheet metal parts we've created. We use IF/Then statements to change some of the features of the parts dimensionally based off a string input(MODEL_SIZE=="something"). When working with the generic the part regenerates correctly but when the instances are opened some of the features don't move like they should. When I view the pro/program statements that should read (D1510=18.614) read (LOST SYMBOL=18.614). Any ideas on what could cause this? Thanks Ryan
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seems like some of the instance are referring to supressed feature from the generic. Ensure that all the features for the instance are independent and can regenerate by themselves.. hope this helps.

There are no supressed features in the part. I've also verified the family table and still whent the instances are opened they are not regenerating correctly
5-Regular Member

Were there any changes made to the generic which may have changed the "D" callout for your key dimensions,... and then the relations did not get updated to the new Dimension tag? It sounds like the relation is looking for a "D" that is no longer present in the model.
Chris Benner
Autodesk ® Expert Elite

There was a change made after the instances were created but the relations were written after that change. I agree that the instances are looking for a “D� that is no longer present, I just can’t figure out why? If the generic model regenerates correctly would the family table have to be recreated instead of just verified?
5-Regular Member

Ok,... I'm reaching now because I'm basically clueless here... but try opening one of your instances and check the dimension in question to see if it has the same "D" callout as the generic.... it should but I guess you just never know. When you have eliminated the possible, whatever is left, however unlikely, must be the truth. Good luck.
Chris Benner
Autodesk ® Expert Elite

Did you add D1510 to your family table columns? All variable dimensions (even those which are relation-driven) must be in the family table to avoid any problem.
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