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Instruct Creo to stop feature calculations


Instruct Creo to stop feature calculations

Sometimes, particularly when asked to removed several things, Creo just hangs. It may or may not ever figure out what it was trying to, but I would like the ability to tell it to stop trying. None of the usual combinations work (Esc, Ctrl + Break etc), so I wondered if anyone knew of anything?


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Hi David...

Unless you're in the middle of a long regeneration or a long recalculation of the graphical display (such as in a drawing), you can't stop the calculations. At times when you CAN interrupt the process, a red stop sign symbol will appear in the lower right hand corner of your screen. Select this to interrupt calculations. Be patient... sometimes hitting this symbol (even hitting it multiple times) can take several seconds or up to a minute to respond.

In your case it sounds like Creo is just going off into space and hanging. I haven't seen this happen. Can you give us any more information about the circumstances? For example... does this occur in a large assembly? Are you working from a simplified rep? Are there any unusual circumstances or modeling issues with the particular models that encounter this problem?

If it's just a simple part and the you can make the problem occur "at will", can you upload a sample part for us to examine? Maybe it's your specific build of Creo... something with your hardware or operating system configuration. Have you seached the PTC.COM online knowledgebase to see if anyone else has reported similar problems?

Thanks (sorry for the numerous questions!)...


Hi Brian

It happens regularly when I use the Remove feature to remove several faces at the same time. It is more likely to happen when adding these faces while in the Remove feature than it is if you select all faces and then hit Remove.

I don't think it's a build problem but I'll try the latest M120 build.

I'm not sure how to check the knowledgebase.


It just happened to me. I'm using M090 and I was able to reproduce the issue. This is definitely a job for PTC tech support. Although I dread saying the words, I think they're very apt here: "Open a support call with PTC!!"

David, I think you found an actual bug. I'm sure PTC would like to know about it so they can investigate and, hopefully, correct it in the next build.

Can anyone else reproduce the issue on other builds of Creo Elements/Pro (WF5)?



Well I wrote PTC a very nice explaination, only to be told they don't want to know (automatically) and please contact my reseller.


end user (this means you) cannot open Call (Case) at PTC. You have to ask your reseller to do this action.

Martin Hanak

Martin Hanák


I've never had this problem at any of the companies I've worked for. I used to be able to call Customer Support and open a call. Even now I can do this... although admittedly I am an admin for my current company. Your message reminded me that I've heard of this limitation before.

I don't really understand why end users cannot open a support call. This doesn't intuitively seem to be the right way to help users seek solutions to their problems. While I have grown to like helping people here on PTC Community, I certainly believe Customer Support should be available for all end users.

Do you know any more about this policy... perhaps why it has been implemented?




I guess that PTC wants to cut expenses spent on Customer Support ...

Martin Hanak

Martin Hanák

My experience with customer support has been rather negative. From the poll here on PTC Community, it seems others have had similar experiences. To improve/repair this, I'd think the customer support team would want every single opportunity to serve customers. The more people you help, the better your reputation becomes.

If your hypothesis about cutting expenses is true, it doesn't sound like good business to me. Maybe some of the PTC personnel could chime in here?



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