The intralink server only sends emails, it does not read replies.
The point of the emails is only to make people aware of what is
happening in Intralink.
It is one way traffic, from Intralink to your users.
The sender-address should either be:
* the email address of someone in your organisation that will read
replies, i.e. where John Smith is the Intralink
administrator (or perhaps the release coordinator?)
* a dummy email address that will serve as a black hole, i.e. so that it is clear to the users that there is
no point in replying to these messages.
The choice is up to you. What do you want your information process to
look like.
Technically email is just a piece of text being delivered to a mailbox
by computers. The software just needs to be able to connect to a mail
server so it can pass on the message. So the software needs to know the
local SMTP mail server, and the addressee. The only thing making this
more complex is that nowadays most mail servers have spam prevention
measures in place. So talk to your local IT dept to check if the SMTP
server will accept connections from the Intralink sendmail utility.
Best regards,
Patrick Asselman