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Hello, everyone!
I wonder if a model of a part or an assembly keeps information about its drawing.
When I'm working with a drawing and click File-Open, Creo chooses its model automatically.
I can also open a file of a model from the Model Tree.
But when I'm working with a model and click File-Open, Creo doesn't find its drawing and chooses the first model in the list of the models in a working directory.
Is it possible to find a drawing of a model automatically?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards, Vladimir.
Hello Vladimir,
Yes you are right while a drawing is open creo chose its model automatically.
Drawing prepration is second part afer modeling and assembly.
There is no option to open drawing from a model.
As drawing is prepared...........Drawing would be use to open ffirst and than go for any changes.
Devender Kumar
It is a pity!
Thank you for your answer, Devender Kumar.
Best regards, Vladimir.