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Is there a way to convert Creo versioned parts to non versioned?


Is there a way to convert Creo versioned parts to non versioned?

We have over 40,000 files and would like to convert from versioned to non versione.  Is there a utility out there that will do this?


Accepted Solutions

You're getting yourselve into a lot of trouble...

Be prepared for lost work because some collegue drag and dropped his (out of date) files over your the ones your just modified.

View solution in original post


Well, I know that a file manager called FreeCommander can be used to do this:


It's freeware, you can download it at


Hello Greg Kling

what about show/hide file extensions:

How to Show File Extensions in Windows 7 - YouTube

Clear all versions with:

Spekan Purge 3.3


Milan Bonka

23-Emerald II

What is your issue with versioned parts?

Explain why you feel you need them unversioned parts so we can give you a better answer to your problem.

I am guessing you are just using a native Windows folder structure to store your parts.
Are all of your files under 1 top level folder? (P:\PTC_Files)

Do you use sub-folders to segregate files? (P:\PTC_Files\Library\Fasteners, P:\PTC_Files\Project1, etc)

Do you use search paths or a file?

Do you have a purge utility to purge older versions?

21-Topaz I

In the recent past, we had a very large number of files caused by versioning (sometimes hundreds of version files for one part file). Our server was getting full, just because no one was doing any cleanup after a particular job was done. So, I wrote a DOS batch file to recursively traverse the directory structure and purge out the older versions, using PTC's purge command as the basis. The batch file contents are below, you could copy that text into a file and name it whatever you want (I use "recpurge.bat"). You'll probably have to change the called purge program ("c:\ptc\purge" in the code) to specify where your purge.exe command is.

Keep in mind that if you have a use for the old versions of files, or are worried about them, this is probably not the solution for you.

--- [ BEGIN BATCH FILE ] ---


:: Date   * 05 January 2016

:: Author * Kenneth J. Farley


:: Recursively traverses the directory structure, starting at the current

:: directory, and executes a purge and any other commands necessary. The

:: pseudocode for this is as follows


:: (1) Generate a list of directories

:: (2) For each of the directories

::     a. change to that directory, via a "pushd"

::     b. Execute the desired commands

::     c. change back to the original directory, via "popd"


@echo off

for /r /d %%d in ("*") do call :doPurge "%%d"

exit /b


:: This code is executed for each directory visited. The primary purpose is to

:: run the "purge" command, but it's also helpful to get rid of any other stray

:: files that Pro/E creates in the normal course of operation.


:: Note: The "2> nul" construct is used to throw away any "file not found" type

::       errors generated when the delete command doesn't find the target files

::       provided to it.



pushd %1

echo Processing %1



:: Windows generated files


del /ah Thumbs.db 2> nul


:: PTC General files


del APS00W07 2> nul

del 2> nul

del datafile.ers 2> nul

del errors.lst.* 2> nul

del fix_params.log 2> nul

del *.acc 2> nul

del *.crc 2> nul

del *.err.* 2> nul

del *.idx 2> nul

del *.log.* 2> nul

del std.err 2> nul

del std.out 2> nul

del trail.txt.* 2> nul

del *.xpr 2> nul

del *.tst 2> nul


:: PTC Manufacturing files


del *.acl 2> nul

del *.lst 2> nul

del *.mbx 2> nul

del *.ncl.* 2> nul

del * 2> nul

del * 2> nul

del * 2> nul

del * 2> nul

del * 2> nul

del * 2> nul

del *.tap 2> nul


exit /b

--- [ END BATCH FILE ] ---


Thanks all. In a nutshell, the reason is because we have gone from a PLM setup to stand alone.  Our system is very slow so we would like to work locally and then move the local files to our server where the 40K plus files are stored.  The only way we see to do this is to have the master files be not version controlled so when we drag and drop our day or weeks worth of work, that it will simply overwrite the non-creo versioned files.

You're getting yourselve into a lot of trouble...

Be prepared for lost work because some collegue drag and dropped his (out of date) files over your the ones your just modified.

21-Topaz II

You're better off "moving" the files from within Creo.  If you use the file > backup command Creo will automatically iterate to the next version number.  You need to keep in mind that doing so on an assy also puts all the assy components into the target folder.  So, updating an assy means opening all the components from the master first, then opening the new assy and then backing it up.

But, and this is the big but, you will need a robust system for tracking who's working on what and who has the rights to update the master database.  I've mentioned here before that I've done this in the past and with an active database with 5-6 users, one of them becomes the PDM system at least part time.  Compare the cost of 25%-50% of one engineer's time to the cost of the PDM system.  And the cost of the errors he will make.  Oh, and the lost productivity because he's spending so much time babysitting your database.

It sounds like you understand this and this is not your idea, but someone else's idea of saving money.

Doug Schaefer | Experienced Mechanical Design Engineer
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