Regarding Ryan's suggestion, you may find the Windchill Rehosting Guide a useful resource:
Jane Zupfer
VP, Enterprise Products Publications
E -
Rehosting is a nightmare and a major flaw of Windchill if you ask me. There is no central hub for pointing windchill to a new server for setting up a Sandbox. You must go to multiple locations and change things in just the right way for the Rehosting nightmare to work for you.
We simply created a 100% clone of our Windchill environment and set it up on a different Network Segment. Then we use a host file on VMware to always launch Windchill on the segmented network on the VM only. So when I run VM and start Windchill, I am using the clone we placed on the segmented network and it never conflicts. It uses all the same names and locations for the server, but with a different Host address.
This was very simple for us to do and it's a 100% clone of the live setup.
PTC needs to fix the process of "Rehosting". Not having a Sandbox is dangerous and therefore the software should be setup to allow you to easily create a Sandbox. One central dialog that will allow you to point to a new server would make this process much easier. This is why we don't "Rehost".
I don't pretend to know much about rehosting other than it was extremely difficult for us to accomplish. Rather than having a VAR come in and do it for us, we did not want to rely on a VAR when the need came up again.
This is why we created a separate network segment that we simply point our VM too. Our Windchill is setup as a VM, so we just created a clone and moved it over to the separate segment. When we run our VM Workstation, we have the host file pointing to that other network segment which is our sandbox.
I know I may be crazy for suggesting this, but this is what I think PTC should provide.
A Rehost Control Center. It's one configuration area that has all the necessary information required to point Windchill to the sandbox. You simply point to where your Windchill Server is, Your CAD Worker if you have it, Your database, etc. When you execute this process, it automatically takes care of everything for you because it knows were all the changes need to take place internally to make the rehost work.
A simple dialog box that points to our sandbox and hit GO.
Currently you have to go many places to change and point things to the "sandbox" and if you mess anything up along the way, it does not work. Windchill runs with several technologies on the back end, but I should not have to deal with each of them separately just to create a Sandbox. Give me a control center where I can tell Windchill were my sandbox is and let it make all the internal changes from there.
The inablity for us to create a Sanbox easily, derailed our Windchill Implementation project for about 4 months and I am now having to re-learn everything from the training.
In Reply to Terrence McFall:
I'd echo this opinion about the importance and difficulty of rehosting. Not to pile on PTC, but last year I had to rehost a half dozen times - I took extremely careful notes about each step, and every single time I had to contact PTC about why it wasn't working.
Rehosting is incredibly important; the lack of a test environment invites all sort of problems that could be easily avoided with a simple rehost procedure.
I just got a reply from Tom and it seems that what I described is already on it's way but it's much better. 🙂
Here is the details.
From what I understand, this functionality exists in limited form in the current release of the rehosting utility (v1.0), and will fully exist in the newest version (v2.0) due out 11/01/2013. This new version will support rename, rehost, clone, and move. It will handle vaults, clusters, file servers, visualization workers, and more. I’ve seen a demo and it’s impressive. It changes everything that needs to be changed everywhere it exists.
The roadmap for version 3.0 includes a “Wizard-based Graphical User Interface for executing, creating, and managing rehosting configurations”. There is also talk of having the ability to propagate changes back and forth between the production system and the test system(s) without doing a full blown clone. There was a great presentation at PTC Live Global (PTC User) about this.
Tom U.
I would echo Tom's comments re the rehost utility if it truly does as it seemed to in the demo at PTC live.
have yet to try it ourselves, but is the ptc recommended way of achieving what you want to do.
Simon Lucas