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I was trying to find the wall thickness between 2 features. I picked the arc of the feature on the outside, and the surface (planar) of a feature on the inside. Pro "assumes" that I want distance to the plane and checks the box for me (I'll leave that to another rant). It tells me that the nearest point is 1.73mm away. when I uncheck the "use as plane" box, it tells me the nearest distance is 1.47mm ?!?!?!!!!!! If the nearest point between the arc and the surface is 1.47, how can the nearest point between the are and the surface plane be 1.73? The one thing I noticed is that the 1.73 was measured to the end of the arc for some dumb reason. The nearest point was in the middle of the arc. I redid the measurement using the surface that the arc is part of, and got the same result.
WF4 M150
Is there a known issue with WF4 or M150? A fix?
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