I am looking for some help with merge walls tool. I have a tube, which needs to be cut on tube laser. Due to previous design, we haven't used tube as starting point and part was designed in sheetmetal.
Is there a way to merge surfaces so line indicated below is no longer visible?
Is your sketch to create the sheet metal part broken at that point? If it's still sheetmetal and was created to start/stop at that point, you'll be stuck with that line.
Hard to say from a picture.
If you drag the "End of Part" all the way up, and then down again (one feature at a time), when is that line created?
So if i understood the question right, you need to make a laser cut on two perpendicular faces of a rectangular extruded tube. Right?
Can you not just create a sketch with a rectangle on the end of the tube and extrude it to the other end to "fill in" the part?