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Model Complexity Measurement


Model Complexity Measurement

Sorry for those for whom this is a duplication from the CAD thread.

Hi All,

At the behest of senior management we are trying to delvelop some method to gauge the relative complexity of part (and perhaps assembly) models for metrics gathering. Currently a part is a part from the most complex casting to an "L" bracket. Has anyone developed a methodolgy for this? We are considering some sort of equation/polynomial that would factor in things like the following:

File size

Number of features

Number or ratio of "Complex" features such as helical sweeps, variable section sweeps, etc.

Ratios of features such as percentage of rounds to total features, perhaps indicating a complex model.

Number of patterns and pattern member count, perhaps table patterns counted too.

Regeneration time

Number of discrete surfaces in the model, i.e. planes, rounds etc.

Number of drawing sheets/views that the model drives

Number of iterations saved (more complex files take longer and more iterations saved generally.

If anybody has done this, or has any ideas of more things to measure I would love to hear from you. I will post a summary in a few days.


Mark Ganzer

Lockheed Martin

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