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I would like to run model check interactive on a drawing file. Below is the steps I am following for same:
File --> Prepare --> ModelCHECK interactive
Once I will do this, I will get one pop up as below:
"ModelCHECK - Run on all drawing models?" with default value as "N"
Could anyone let me know whether it is possible to exclude this pop up once I run model check?
Thanks in advance!
Yes there is with a workaround. We created a mapkey, then created icons in our toolbar that points to the different mapkeys.
Know, but it is PTC "workaround" I am not satisfied with. Why pushed to create own icons instead of driving it on existing ones via Yes/No/Ask by config? Only means PTC haven't been thinking about this functionality from user's perspective much...
A lot of things that we figure out are workarounds for PTC software limitations.