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I think I know the answer to this already but thought I would ask the group in case there is something I am unaware of...
We have a standard parameter in our models called PART_CODE. We will soon be adding some additional models to our vault (not Windchill by the way) which have a similar parameter called PARTNO.
Using Modelcheck I can rename the PARTNO parameter in all of the models to be PART_CODE which is great...but the problem lies with the drawings. The format file used in the drawings for the new files calls for PARTNO. If I change the drawing format so that PART_CODE is called for instead of PARTNO and then open the drawings they do not update. Where it once showed the value for PARTNO I now get three asterisks...***.
I know that I can reload the format for the PART_CODE value to be shown but I am hoping to avoid having to do that for the thousands of drawings we have.
Any suggestions?