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Modeling Memory usage


Modeling Memory usage

In Modeling, once you load a model it uses memory and when you delete that model the memory stays in use and it can only be reuse when you shutdown the apps. Is there a way to reclaim the used memory w/o restarting the apps?

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The OS will do that for you automatically. Memory which is no longer actively used by an application is decommitted and can then be used by other apps. Try the following experiment: Run CoCreate Modeling. Open the Task Manager and switch to the "Processes" tab. Sort by "Mem. Usage". Note the value for CoCreate Modeling (the process name is SolidDesigner.exe). Now minimize the application. You will notice that the "Mem Usage" value drops sharply. This is because minimizing the apps tells the OS that the app is no longer active, that its data can be paged out, and that other apps can then use that RAM. Through PTC support, you can get a White Paper on memory management in CoCreate Modeling which explains this process in more detail. Claus
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