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can I control "number of pattern members" with a p


can I control "number of pattern members" with a p

Hi, I made a gear-like model, that we'll need with various numbers of "teeth". So, I made a "pie slice" of one tooth, and now I want to pattern this in order to create a complete part. I made a pattern, and used the Axis option. I could easily put the formula "360/number_of_teeth" in the angle field. But as soon as I put "number of teeth" in the "number of pattern members" field, Pro/E tells me that I enter a value that is out of Range (Range is 2 to 100000). The current value of number_of_teeth is 18, so it's definitely not out of range... I tried it with number_of_teeth being both a real number and integer, without succes. Is it impossible to put a parameter in there?? And does anyone know an alternative trick?? Thanks! Regards, Jaap
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It looks like the 'number of pattern members' field in the pattern creation dashboard will not accept a parameter. Which is weird, since the 'angle' field will. However, you can enter in a real number for the number of pattern members, then after the pattern is generated, create a relation to tie the number of pattern members to your parameter.

Jaap, Even when you add the angle using a parameter name it creates a feature relation. To use the number you can set the 'number of pattern members' to a parameter (number). So as an example it could be p#=number . p# is the pattern number name. Rameet

Hi, thanks for the replies! I've been looking everywhere to find the parameter name of "number of pattern members", but I can find all paramaters EXCEPT this one. Here's an excerpt of Tools > Program > Show Design:
So, now I'm confused about how to create a relation... I also tried to enter "p#=number_of_teeth" in the "number of pattern members" field, but this gives the same error as before. Thanks for any clues! Regards, Jaap

"jaap kramer" wrote:

I've been looking everywhere to find the parameter name of "number of pattern members", but I can find all paramaters EXCEPT this one. So, now I'm confused about how to create a relation... I also tried to enter "p#=number_of_teeth" in the "number of pattern members" field, but this gives the same error as before.

YES!! Thanks, now I could find the name of the parameter, and give it the relation
Problem fixed Regards, Jaap
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